Justin Norris doing arm workout with LIT Axis smart resistance bands

Resistance Band Arm Workout: Sculpt Your Arms Anywhere, Anytime!

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Resistance bands are the go-to exercise equipment because of their versatility and ease of use. Whether full body workout or targeted exercise, resistance bands can be your gym equipment anytime, anywhere. Resistance band arm workouts can provide you with the same gains as free weights but with a lower risk of injury.

If you have flabby arms or looking to improve your arm strength and muscle mass, then regularly performing these tried and tested resistance band arm exercises can yield effective results.

How can resistance bands strengthen arms?

Resistance bands build muscles by stabilizing muscle groups and adding extra intensity to already challenging bodyweight exercises. They utilize the principle of progressive overload when you gradually increase the routine's weight, frequency, or the number of repetitions to target and strengthen a particular group. Resistance bands challenge your body by resisting the movement during the exercise to initiate growth and strength.

Similar to free weights, resistance bands can also target particular muscles such as the biceps, triceps, or forearms. The secret of a resistance band arm workout for mass is slightly doing more sets and reps over time as your body gets used to a particular resistance level. You can also move to stronger resistance bands to continuously progress your arms' strength.

5 resistance bands arm workouts for maximum gains

For the exercises we list below, it is best to use a resistance band with handles for maximum gains. Such bands are easy to control and provide better movement. Still, if you have a sizeable looped band or a straight band without handles, you can perform the workouts by standing on the band with both feet to shorten the band.

1. Seated Resistance Band Biceps Curl

Woman doing seated resistance band biceps curl with resistance band

Source- media.self.com

An excellent resistance band arm workout for women and men, it targets the bicep muscles. Here is how you perform seated resistance band biceps curl:

  • Sit on sturdy furniture with your feet wide open.
  • Put one end of the resistance band under your left foot and hold the other with your right hand. Keep your right elbow resting on your right thigh.
  • If you are a beginner, you can lean forward slightly to engage your core, but if you have experience in strength training, you can keep your back straight while engaging your core. Your left hand can relax on your right thigh, or you can rest it by your side.
  • When in position, do a bicep curl by pulling your right hand toward your right shoulder. Keep your shoulder relaxed and focus on only engaging your bicep.
  • Depending on your strength and fitness level, you can do 10-12 reps before switching to your other site.

This is a great resistance band arm workout for the biceps and triceps.

2. Overhead Resistance Band Stretch

Woman doing overhead resistance band stretch

Source- media.self.com

An excellent resistance band triceps workout, it also engages your back muscles. Here's how to perform overhead resistance band stretch:

  • Stand straight with your feet together. Hold each end of the resistance band in your hands while engaging the core.
  • Keeping your arms straight, lift the band overhead. Maintain a minimum of 6 inches gap between your hands so that there is some tension in the band.
  • Pull your arms apart and sweep them down to each side to bring them to shoulder level. While doing so, allow the band to pass behind your head.
  • Return to the starting position when the band is overhead and complete the rep.

3. Cuff Pivot

A woman doing cuff pivot exercise with resistance band

Source- media.self.com

Your arm strength also comes from your shoulders and rotator cuffs. The cuff Pivot is another resistance band arm workout for mobility and flexibility.

  • Stand with your feet together, holding one end of the resistance band in each hand while engaging your core. Adjust the length of the band by wrapping it a few times to make it short enough for this move.
  • With your elbows bent and pointing out, fold the ends of the resistance band below your chest, keeping your shoulders relaxed.
  • Keep your left hand perfectly still, and pull your right hand out and towards the right allowing a full shoulder rotation. Your elbow will naturally rotate in towards your waist.
  • Keep the arms bent and focus on the technique; you should feel shoulder blades rotating. Do not move your left arm to ensure you are engaging muscles on both sides of the body.
  • Return to the starting position.

Do all your reps from the right side before switching to the left side.

4. Resistance band forearm curl

A man doing resistance band forearm curl

Source- criticalbody.com

This resistance band forearm workout targets your forearm flexors, the muscles in the upper side of the lower arm. For this exercise, you need to maintain a high repetition since the range of motion of the resistance band forearm curl is relatively tiny.

  • Hold the resistance band in attendance slightly in front of your body while maintaining an overhand grip.
  • In this position, flex your hands towards the underside of your forearms. You should move your fist inwards as much as possible.
  • Squeeze your forearms to emphasize the contraction, hold, and then release the squeeze to let your hand return to the starting position.

As it is a limited range of motion workout, you must try to repeat for 3-4 sets of 20-30 reps each. If you find it hard to position the band, you can place it under your foot and perform the seated exercise.

To enhance your forearm strength and sculpt your arms further, don't forget to check out the instructional video on resistance band forearm workouts provided below!

5. Resistance Band Triceps Kickback

A woman doing resistance band triceps kickback exercise

Source- media.self.com

This resistance band arm workout targets your triceps, shoulders, and back. You must be careful not to engage your back but your core while performing this exercise.

  • Start by moving your left foot forward, and block the resistance band under your left foot while holding the ends of the band in each hand.
  • Bend your left knee to hinge forward at the hip. Ensure that you keep your core engaged and your back straight (it is important because the motion should be from arms, not back muscles). Bend your elbows 90° and hug your arms close to your sides.
  • Now perform a tricep kickback by extending your arms from the elbows only. You must keep the rest of your arms still as you squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  • Return to the starting position by rebranding your elbows. Do all the reps from one side and then repeat with the other side with the other foot forward.

While there are many more variations of resistance bands arm workouts, these exercises will provide you with a complete arm training routine. and are equally effective for men and women. As bands provide assistive motion, it is easy for beginners to learn the form and technique of an exercise compared to free weights.

If you are stuck at a desk job or travel often, resistant brands provide you a way to work out while sitting at your desk or travelling. As these bands are available in several different tension levels varying from light to heavy, you must choose one that challenges your muscle movement enough to stimulate gains.

LIT Axis resistance band for arm workout

LIT Axis smart resistance being used for arms workout

Resistance bands are undoubtedly highly effective for full-arm workouts, but there is a limitation. It is not related to the outcome of the exercise but the management of your routine. Resistance bands have variable resistance, unlike free weights. It makes it challenging to track how much resistance you are working with, which makes progressive overloading difficult.


Fortunately, the LIT Axis resistance band offers a solution with its revolutionizing smart technology that brings the metric monitoring system to traditional resistance band exercises. A patented design and locking system allow the LIT Axis to support up to 200 pounds of resistance. The sensors in this resistance band can closely monitor your movements for muscle imbalance. Think of it as if a personal trainer is observing your exercise movements to ensure no muscle imbalance at any point. This is a beneficial function if you are a beginner learning the ropes of resistance band exercises for arms.

Furthermore, LIT Axis connects with the smartphone application to share and display critical metrics such as reps, time under tension, resistance loads, and inbuilt features to detect and prevent injury due to muscle imbalance. When you know exactly how much resistance you are working with, progressive overloading becomes easier.

Different metrics that LIT Axis can track

LIT Axis is a smart resistance band that can replace free weights, Pilates trainers, suspension trainers, or any other gym equipment. Learn more about our LIT Axis today and start your fitness journey.


Resistance band exercises for arms are best for building and maintaining muscle strength. Whether you are a beginner or have experience in strength training, resistance bands are versatile enough to accommodate your arm workout requirements.

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